Rudra: The Edge of Darkness is an upcoming Indian psychological crime thriller that marks the debut of superstar Ajay Devgn in the OTT space of the cinema. In a recent interview of Atul Kulkarni with Bollywood Hungama, the Marathi star talked about the reasons that made him sign Ajay Devgn’s Rudra. The actor said “ I believe that good characters are made when the story is well-scripted.”
The Bandish Bandits actor also added, “ It took me three days to read the script of Rudra and post-reading I realized that it is a well-crafted script”. Kulkarni furthermore appreciated the casting of the emotional drama series and said that Rudra is a rollercoaster drama full of thrill and emotions.
Atul Kulkarni is a Marathi actor who is also the scriptwriter for Amir Khan’s Lal Singh Chaddha.
So far Atul has worked as an actor in Bandish Bandits, The Attacks of 26/11 and many more.
Rudra – The Edge of Darkness, directed by Rajesh Mapuskar is an official adaptation of the British show Luther which has elicited much publicity from global audiences. An engaging and dark new take on cop stories, incorporated with an extraordinary storytelling format and powerful characters will make Rudra – The Edge of Darkness a must-watch for fans of nail-biters and crime dramas.
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