Bollywood and TV actor Nitesh Pandey, who played the role of Shah Rukh Khan’s character Om Kapoor’s assistant in Om Shanti Om, has passed away at the age of 51 following a cardiac arrest. The actor, who starred as Dheeraj Kumar in the TV show Anupamaa, reportedly suffered a cardiac arrest in Igatpuri on May 24 at 2 am. He was reportedly there for a shoot.
As per a report in Times of India, Pandey was shooting in Igatpuri when his health deteriorated. He reportedly died almost immediately after the heart attack.
Producer Siddharth Nagar, who happens to be the brother-in-law of Pandey, confirmed the news to the publication and said, “Yes, you have heard it right. My brother-in-law is no more, my sister Arpita Pandey is in a state of shock. Nitesh's father has left for Igatpuri to get his mortal remains. They should be here by the afternoon. We have gone absolutely numb, I have not been able to even talk to Arpita after the tragedy. I am headed to Igatpuri as well, I am in the train right now. I was coming back from Delhi when I heard about this. Nitesh was much younger than me. He was a very lively person and I don't think he had a history of any heart ailment.”
Nitesh Pandey was a regular on Television and movies. He had starred in Dabangg, Khosla Ka Ghosla among others. He worked in TV serials like Manzilein Apani Apani, Astitva...Ek Prem Kahani, Saaya, Justajoo and Durgesh Nandini.
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